: The unofficial guide to Spawn Comics, Toys, and more!
A1 : A2 : A3 : A4 : A5

Agent Jim Unger Agent Jim Unger
(see Jim Unger)
Agent Sherman
267, 268, 270

Agent Larry Sherman
A fellow government agent who provided Terry Fitzgerald with the name of a low level drug cartel criminal. Terry then delivered the name to Al Simmons as a patsy for Cyan's drug addiction.
Agent Patterson

Agent Patterson
An FBI agent taking over a serial murder case from Detectives Leah and Jeff due to their incompetence.
Agent Raleigh

Agent Raleigh
After ordering for a cargo ship to jettison its secret cargo lest it get boarded, Agent Raleigh was ordered killed by his boss - Jason Wynn.
Agent Roenick

Agent Roenick
An agent working for Jason Wynn that presents to his boss evidence that Terry Fitzgerald was not involved in the missing weapons case. Despite this, Wynn tells him to destroy the report and increase pressure on Fitzgerald and his family.
Agent Wehlman

Agent Wehlman
An agent of the Vatican who was part of a failed mission to convert Marc Rosen. As Wehlman discussed the mission with a partner, he then revealed their hidden captive: Medieval Spawn. Wehlman also demonstrated that light could be used to incapacitate the hellspawn.
Agent Wolf
139, 142, 167

Agent Wolf

After the night of the clown riots, a severely injured John Doe was brought into the hospital. The government took a keen interest in this man as he appeared to be the lone survivor of a large explosion on board a subway train. Agents Hare and Wolf were assigned to keep watch over the comatose man and await his possible recovery.

Little did they know that the man they were watching over was none other than Spawn in his Al Simmons persona. When he came to, the agents were surprised to see their mystery man up and walking. They gave chase, but Al transformed into Spawn and easily swatted them down.

Some time later, after the White Light, Agents Hare and Wolf were assigned to protect and monitor Jason Wynn. When ordered by their boss to murder a bar patron who had been foolish enough to listen to Wynn's stories, Spawn intervened and killed the agents.

Agony Base

Agony Base
A prison on Deimos, a moon of Mars, that housed Daniel Llanso for a time. It is a vicious and corrupt facility where Daniel was repeatedly beaten by the unfeeling guards.
AJ Ritter
S&T12, S&T13

AJ Ritter
Alias: "The Witch Killer"

AJ lives under a curse centuries old. He is the descendant of Nicholas Noyes, a man cursed for his involvement in the Salem Witch Trials in 1692. In an attempt to escape the curse, AJ murdered several modern Wiccans and was arrested by Sam and Twitch.

A USSG agent wounded by Cy-Gor as he was hunting the gorilla down.

Al Gilley
A man of some importance to the community who was friends with Chief Banks. Gilley was murdered by Jason Wynn's people as part of their procedures to isolate Banks as a scapegoat for the Amanda Jennings murder.

Al Simmons Al Simmons
Please click this entry's name to view its Detailed Bio
V1, V2, V3


Hired as Antonio Twistelli's personal assistant, Alberto soon found himself being asked to do much more than he expected, including throwing Violator off a dock. Unfortunately for Alberto, the Violator did not die and Twist became temporarily obsessed with hunting the demon down.

Alberto drove Twistelli around while tracking the Violator, but when Twistelli found himself in mortal danger he disguised Alberto as himself and let his poor assistant be captured by the Violator.

Later, when the Violator himself was in danger from his brothers, Alberto was dressed to appear as the demon's clown alter-ego and chased into Hell by the other Phlebiacs.

241, 242

The Albinos*

Mysterious former agents of Heaven who now work independently. They were hired as assistants by the equally mysterious Mr. Gibbons and acted as liaisons between Gibbons and Bludd.

According to Bludd, the Albinos couldn't make the cut into God's battalion and "didn't want to get their hands dirty" in the holy war.

DA15, DA17, DA18, DA21, DA22, DA24, DA25, DA26, DA28


A small boy that survived the first massacre of Rhyll. He seemed to trust the hellspawn Covenant when the others did not, and he saved Covenant from crucifixion.

Later, after the second massacre of Rhyll, Alek was kidnapped by a group of invading vikings. When Covenant came to his rescue, Alek killed his captor and returned to Rhyll. There he was apparently the only survivor of the third massacre of Rhyll until he revealed himself to be a demon named Vandal. He had been sent by Hell to keep track of Covenant on Earth.


Alex Whitehurst

Alex was born with an extremely rare disease similar to Lou Ghrig's disease. He was unable to speak or move on his own since birth. His mother Jeanna, desperate for any possible help, travelled with Alex from their home in Bentonville, Arkansas to appear on the Karlene Phillips Show.

Jeanna had hoped that Karlene's other guest, Jim Downing, would be able to help her son. To everyone's astonishment, Jim was seemingly able to cure Alex with a simple gesture and Alex spoke for the first time.


A mediteranean restaurant owner near Sam and Twitch's police station. Twitch frequent's Ali's often for his falafels.
Alice Miller

Alice Miller
The young daughter of Thomas Miller. Thomas was a crewman aboard an ill-fated vessel that was sucked into a whirlpool caused be the birth of Sinn. Before he died, Thomas spoke with Alice one last time and gave to her a small unicorn that he had made.
Alma Simmons
174, 175

Alma Simmons

The love of Francis Charles Parker, a former buffalo soldier who was arrested after a murder he didn't commit. While in jail for a brief time, Parker was given the offer to be with Alma in exchange for his soul by Mammon. Parker refused, believing Alma could never love a man who had sold his soul to Hell.

His strength of will paid off, as he eventually escaped and changed his name to Henry Richard Simmons. He was reunited with Alma and together they raised a family. Their great-great grandson was none other than Al Simmons.


A fellow NY detective who goes with Sam and Twitch to investigate the violence at the New Vista Apartments following the White Light.
Alvin McMahon

Alvin McMahon
A former boyfriend of Senator Sean Halloran who was murdered by Bobby Kellerman under orders from Seamus O'Halloran.
265, 266

Alzayah Stone
Some sort of criminal kingpin who runs a stronghold in New Mexico. Ant recruited Spawn to join her and her allies in assaulting the compound.
Amal Surendra
155, 156, 161

Amal Surendra

Amal and his wife Shanti are a Hindu couple whose souls were among the 6000 trapped within Spawn. In their minds, they had been trapped in the Pretas, or the realm of hungry ghosts. There, their thirst and hunger could not be satisfied, and they were unable to move on until they abandoned their adherence to worldly things. Unfortunately, they were unable to part with their last possession from their lives on Earth as it was terribly dear to them.

When Kali began ravaging India during the events of Armageddon, Christopher led them out of Spawn so that they could help defeat her. During the confrontation, it was Amal who interrupted Spawn and Kali to point out that armageddon must be stopped in order to protect the cycle of life and death. He then offered his and Shanti's most precious thing, their unborn child who 'died' with them. Kali received the child as a mother, and recognized their sacrifice by giving the child death so that it could be reborn.

Relieved, Amal and Shanti returned to the body of Spawn, where they remained until they (and the other 6000 souls) were released when Spawn was killed by Judas. They disappeared to an unknown future, which Mother assured Al "is only their beginning."

Amanda Jennings
5, 42, 43

Amanda Jennings
The daughter of Senator Paul Jennings, and a victim of Billy Kincaid. Having been murdered by the child killer, her body was discovered under the George Washington Bridge by a jogger. Her murder was eventually tied to Kincaid and Chief Banks by detectives Sam Burke and Twitch Williams.
Ambassador Epiphani

Ambassador Epiphani

An angelic ambassador sent by Heaven to meet on Earth with Cogliostro and a representative of Mammon's in order to discuss the whereabouts of Spawn.

After Spawn "quit", Both Heaven and Hell became increasingly uncomfortable because they could not track or control his actions. During the meeting, Epiphani was surprised to see that Mammon himself arrived, but regardless, she made it clear that Heaven was displeased with the situation and blamed Hell.

Ambassador Van Der Waal
CF5, CF6

Ambassador Van Der Waal
An ambassador in the South African Embassy whom Twitch confronts regarding the wherabouts of Josef Udaku.
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