: The unofficial guide to Spawn Comics, Toys, and more!
Spawn: The Dark Ages 22
Image: Trent
  - Book: Spawn: The Dark Ages
  - Issue: 22
  - Date: January 2001
  - Writer(s): - Steve Niles
  - Artist(s):
- Nat Jones
- Kevin Conrad
- Ashley Wood
- Richard Starkings
- Oscar Gongora
- Todd Broeker
  - Notes: In this issue Yagher Dien recounts the history of hellspawn, but it doesn't fit with established continuity. It could be dismissed as lies from Yagher, or perhaps it was Yagher who was lied to when he learned the story from Malebolgia.
- The Seeding

Covenant awakens from a deep sleep in the presence of a bizarre sight. There is a newborn hellspawn gestating in a pod, unfinished and only partially formed. Covenant listens to the creature tell its tale of how it came to be in this state.
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