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C1 : C2 : C3 : C4
324, 325

A being, probably an angel, working on behalf of Heaven and/or The Vatican. Cordelia was seen monitoring an attack on Marc Rosen and Jim Downing by a battalian of Angels, as part of an effort to recoup Medieval Spawn for the church.

She also discussed the looming dangers of humans learning more about the machinations of Heaven due to Al Simmons.

A cab driver interviewed about Spawn by Ethan Crone. Corgie tells of how he saw Spawn face to face one night after the mysterious man or creature landed on the hood of his cab from somewhere. He stared into his green eyes before Spawn disappeared.
Corn Boy
C15, C16

Corn Boy
A chaos creature and frequent patron of the Badlands Saloon.
Corporal Travis Johnson

Corporal Travis Johnson

In life, Al Simmons killed a number of people in the line of duty. He always told himself he was just following orders, but secretly he relished the murders. After their deaths, the innocents Al murdered had their souls bound to his Symbiote by Malebolgia.

One of those souls was that of Corporal Travis Johnson, an associate of Simmons' in life who became a scapegoat for data illegally sold to China. After Al pinned the crime on Johnson, the Corporal committed suicide in his cell, using his belt that Simmons conveniently forgot to remove.


The online screen name of the Witch Killer. Before the killings began he would appear in Wiccan chats and make threats.

Count Nicholas Cagliostro Count Nicholas Cagliostro
(see Cain)
Count Novia

Count Novia
Count Novia of Illyria served as the court wizard for two emperors and a czar. He was a fearless warrior and eventually became a hellspawn. Like all the others, he was unable to break the curse eventually knelt at the feet of Malebolgia. His skull resides within the Archives of the Hellspawn.

Covenant Covenant
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Craig Grant

Craig Grant
A television host who had Jim Downing appear on his show – the first appearance Jim made subsequent to the announcement of his charity foundation. Craig was the first to publicly mention the possibility or the belief that Jim may be the second coming of Jesus. During the interview, an assailant sprung from the crowd and shot Downing at point blank range.
Craig Rowand
186, 188, 193, 194, 195, 199,
202, 206, 207,
208, 209, 210,
211, 215, 217,
220, 228, 231

Craig Rowand

Alias: Detective Rowand

One of a team of three Langley, Virginia detectives who were working on investigating the bizarre suicide of Bill Winston. Their investigation led them to be in touch with Sam Burke and Twitch Williams in New York and discover a connection with the Nortego Cartel and the explosions at St. Anthony's Hospital, and ultimately to Jim Downing.

Due to Sam Burke's lack of cooperation, Craig left for New York City to work with the two detectives in person. Shortly after arriving, Sam Burke had a massive heart attack and lay unconscious in the hospital. In Sam's absense, Rowand and Twitch developed a working relationship and Craig even agrees to watch over Sam from time to time.

One night while watching looking in on Sam, Rowand witnesses the demon Hel attacking Sam and chases her off. Unable to come to terms with what he saw, Twitch discusses it with Rowand and it quickly becomes clear to Rowand that there are supernatural forces at work.

Due to Hel's massacre at the hospital and her successive suicide, however, Rowand became a subject of scrutiny in the police investigation. Eventually he was unceremoniously called back to Virginia.

Unable to cope with the aftermath of what he witnessed, Rowand spiralled downward and eventually lost his job. He sealed himself in his apartment and scrawled drawings of Hel on his walls as he slipped into madness.


Leader of the human survivors in Newhope after the fall of Abaddon. He led a suicidal offensive against Nuvatican City.

A street gang that fought a turf war in the alleyways where Spawn lives. After Spawn arranged a showdown between the Creeps and the Nerds, both gangs were annihilated.
51, 54, 193

After Sam and Twitch were fired from the police force and decided to open their own detective agency, Sam used part of his savings to purchase a restored '55 Chevy he called the Crimemobile.
Crispin Fletcher

Crispin Fletcher
A tradesman in the Shire of Rackham and father of Maeve the Magnificent. Crispin was killed along with all the other able bodied men of his village in an evil massacre. This event led to Maeve's Children's Crusade.

Crocodile Crocodile
(see The Crocodile Killer)
Crocodile Killer
C26, C27

Crocodile Killer

Alias: Travis Quinn, Crocodile

A serial killer named Travis Quinn whose nickname is derived from a skin disease that he suffers from. Because of the disease, he was teased at school, nicknamed "Crocodile", and beaten at home by fanatically religious parents.

When Travis got older, he found ways to deal with his pain through torture and murder, and became known as the Crocodile Killer. He was eventually stopped by the killer of killers, Suture.

C20, C21


Youngest of the Titans, son of Ouranos and the father of Zeus. Cronus ruled unchallenged until a prophecy which claimed that one of his offspring would usurp his throne came to pass.

To try and avoid his fate, Cronus devoured all of his children whole, save for one. The uneaten one, Zeus, was hidden from Cronus by his mother Rhea until he was old enough to return.

Upon his return, Zeus banished Cronus and the other Titans and took his father's place as ruler of Olympus.


According to Mark "of the Beast", Cross-Substantiation is a ritual in which the hellspawn can trade places with a willing human by way of a sacrifice. Mark offers this to Spawn but he is turned down.
Cthonic Impulse

Cthonic Impulse
According to Nyx, the Cthonic Impulse is the dark side of Greenworld - the hidden underbelly of mother nature (such as worms, spiders, etc). She is surprised to find what an affinity Spawn seems to have with it, and how easily he is able to communicate with it.
Cthugan Metabuse

Cthugan Metabuse
A shape shifting creature from the 5th circle of Hell.

Curse Curse
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Curse's Henchmen
40, 41, C18, C19

Curse's Henchmen
A group of bizarre little henchmen working for the Curse. They appear to all be at least part cybernetic with glowing eyes, and they refer to each other by a number. They were hired (or built) between the time Curse was tortured by Sansker and when he captured and dissected Spawn.

A military compatriot with Al Simmons in the CIA, Cutter was present and complicate with many of the murders Simmons took part in as part of his duties. Years later, when facial recognition software discovered Al Simmons (after he had been reborn as Spawn for the 2nd time) it was Cutter, still with the CIA (now as operations director), who received the news.

Cyan Cyan
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Cy-Gor Cy-gor
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One of the rich elite that was invited to a party held by Mr. Gupta.
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