: The unofficial guide to Spawn Comics, Toys, and more!
D1 : D2 : D3 : D4
Diaries of Eliphas Levi

Diaries of Eliphas Levi
A tome of knowledge stored within the Archives of the Hellspawn. Cog consults the Diaries when searching for information on a bizarre mark left on the necks of murder victims in and around Rat City.
Diego Cham Puti

Diego Cham'Puti
A soldier in Papua New Guinea killed by Cy-Gor as the beast hunted for the data center hidden there that Spawn sent him to destroy.
13, V3

A member of Youngblood who witnesses Spawn kidnapping Chapel.


Dinah lives with her family (husband Jed, son Jon and Grandma) in the rural wilderness of Northeast Minnesota. When Spawn's aimless wanderings led him near their home, Jon found him out in the snow and brought him home.

The family showed Spawn hospitality but disappeared in the night. Left alone, Spawn discovered that the family has been alive and unchanged at least since 1840 when a family photo was taken.

Outside, Spawn found a group of hunters being attacked by abnormally large wolves. He intervened and saved the lives of the hunters, and took the eye of one of the wolves before leaving again to wander.

Little did he know that the kind family he had stayed with were werewolves, and it was Grandmother Wolf's eye that was lost.


Marty "Dipper" Sladek - a Vietnam vet and a homeless man. Marty remembered and stuck to his 'Nam vow - to watch out for his buddies, when he saw Spawn being attacked by the Anti-Spawn. He intervened and gave Spawn a chance to fight back.

Director Kramer
(see Kramer)
Director Kurtz
213, 215, 217

Director Kurtz

Director of the CIA in New York City. When the photograph of Jim Downing and his wife was sent out by Marc Rosen for investigation, news of it's reappearance arrived at the desk of Director Kurtz.

As a result, she brought in a special agent Kruger to quietly erase all memory and trace of the photograph. By doing so she hoped to stop any further investigation into what they called the Downing Operation.

The Disciple Disciple
Please click this entry's name to view its Detailed Bio

After Spawn's battle with Omega Spawn on Omega Island, the armored warrior known as Disruptor forged an alliance with Jericho, the Angels, and the Vampires, and asserted control over Omega Island.

He wanted to take Hell's throne for himself, but needed Spawn to unlock the deadzones. When Spawn returned to the island with Cy-Gor, Disruptor was able to freeze the two with ease, and placed them in a holding cell along with Gunslinger and Cog.

A street thug who attacked Spawn and Houdini. Houdini used his magic to make Divvy and his pals hallucinate and experience bizarre "deaths".

A dimwitted follower of Mark "of the Beast". Diz lived in Mark's squatter house and followed him around to help with stealing and dealing.

A wealthy, powerful man of some sort, possibly a member of the Vatican Secret Police. He was involved in the extermination of Antonio Twistelli's organization.
Doctor Baxter
185, 186, 188

Doctor Baxter
The doctor assigned to care for Patient 47 after he wakes up from his coma. Dr. Baxter was frustrated to find that no records for Patient 47 seem to exist, and no one knew how long he had been in a coma. After St. Anthony's hospital exploded, Dr. Baxter was less than helpful when dealing with the other hospitals his patient was transferred to.
Doctor Blanchard
267, 268

Doctor Blanchard
Cyan's doctor during her stay at an adolescent treatment center, following her mother's death and her addiction to Oxycodone.
Doctor Busino
45, 46, 49, 51

Doctor Buscino

Alias: Doctor Busino

The family physician of the Fitzgerald family, including Terry, Wanda and Cyan. Dr. Buscino recommended that Terry visit a neurologist when he was having unexplained blackouts.

Doctor Busino
(see Doctor Buscino)
Doctor Carl Marsh

Doctor Carl Marsh

Supervising Psychiatrist at the Fenton Sanitarium. One of Marsh's patients, Roger Bonner, fit the description of the Crocodile Killer perfectly even though he was innocent.

As such, Marsh hired private detectives Sam and Twitch to take Bonner into protective custody before authorities could falsely charge him.

Doctor Curtis
50, 51

Doctor Curtis

The doctor who treated Terry Fitzgerald after his car accident. Curtis was also burdened with the unhappy task of informing the Fitzgeralds that Terry had an inoperable brain tumor and would not have long to live.

Later, Curtis was puzzled over Terry's miraculous recovery and wished to conduct further testing.

Doctor Daniel Sarop

Doctor Daniel Sarop
The physician that was looking after fallen angel Victoria. He was visited by the Clown (in his guise of by Dr. Kerr) who suggested that they should transfer Victoria to a different facility in order to try a different treatment.
Doctor Delirium

Doctor Delirium

Alias: Doctor DeLorean

A mad doctor persona invented by the Freak. In reality, "Delirium" is Dr. DeLorean - the Freak's doctor. Freak was under the care of DeLorean while he was institutionalized, during which time he created an elaborate fantasy about his doctor's mad experiments and evil schemes.

When the Freak escaped, his insane story was detailed enough to convince Spawn that it was true, and with his help, Freak returned and murdered DeLorean.

Doctor DeLorean Doctor DeLorean
(see Doctor Delirium)
Doctor Egner

Doctor Egner
A Trinity Hospital doctor looking after Jim Downing after he had been transferred a number of times in the aftermath of St. Anthony's destruction. Dr. Egner spoke with Jim's physician, Dr. Baxter on the phone about getting his files, but found Dr. Baxter less than helpful.
Doctor Emma Canteri
273, 274

Doctor Emma Canteri
A doctor at the care facility in which Cyan Fitzgerald was a patient. After Cyan's disappearance, news reached the man known as the Soul Crusher, who took it upon himself to look into her whereabouts. The Soul Crusher visited the care facility and killed Dr. Canteri while searching for information.
Doctor Eylan Hessman

Doctor Eylan Hessman

An obsessive but brilliant scientist with breakthroughs in robotics and bio-mechanics, Hessman was essentially a lonely man.

Devastated by his inability to save his father from dying, Hessman drank himself to near death, but soon learned he had a half-brother.

His brother, Nicholas Rocca, was a hitman for a mafia don barely clinging to life when Hessman tracked him down. Hessman then spent the rest of his life rebuilding and perfecting his brother as Overtkill.

Unfortunately, in a rage after his rebirth, Overtkill accidentally killed his brother.

Doctor Feinstein

Doctor Feinstein
An ER doctor who worked on KC McRory after she was brought in as a gunshot victim. Unfortunately, he was unable to save her.
Dr. Frederick Gunther

Doctor Frederick Gunther
A doctor specializing in genetics with an office in New York City. Jim Downing paid the doctor a visit to learn more about Patient 47 and Gunther revealed he was hired to combine previous genetic research into a single working model. He never met Patient 47 directly as he came in towards the end of the research beginning with Patient 42.

Gunther said Nortego was always the one giving the others, that some of the previous patients were released but most died. Patient 47 was the last but they weren't told why.
Doctor Galackawitz

Doctor Galackawitz
(An alias sometimes used by the Violator while in his clown disguise)
Dr. Gerard Milner

Doctor Gerard Milner
Dr. Milner was a disgraced physician who believed his career was over. That was, until he received a mysterious call and job offer that placed him in "the zoo", a research facility aligned with Heaven. Milner lived and worked at the facility, without knowing where exactly it was. He answered directly to Cordelia, and often conducted autopsies and experiments on bizarre creatures.
Doctor Ian Saunders

Doctor Ian Saunders

A successful psychiatrist and radio talk-show host with multiple degrees from Ivy League schools. Saunders led two lives, one as the successful family man everyone knew, the other as a cross-dressing serial killer known as the Head Hunter.

Saunders was tracked down by Suture, who offered him a choice: death, imprisonment, or successfully counseling her in one day. He accepted her offer and was successful in helping her understand what she had become. Immediately after she let him go, however, he was discovered by the police.

Doctor John Dee

Doctor John Dee
According to Violator, Dr. John Dee summoned the Phleboton Spirit of the Upper Ayres in 1589. After his summoning, Dee also provided the demon with a human woman with whom to impregnate. The result of this horrible union was the Violator.
Doctor Kepler

Doctor Kepler
A doctor that Spawn seemed to be familiar with. He traveled through the shadows to Dr. Kepler's office, delivering to her the young woman Melissa Haggens, and her son Kyle. The two had been torutured by the vampire Paul Greene, and Spawn asked Dr. Kepler to care for them.
Doctor Joseph C Kerr
232, 236, 243,

Doctor Joseph C Kerr
(An alias sometimes used by the Violator)
Dr. Kingston

Doctor Kingston
After two thugs kidnapped Sara's friend Judy thinking she was Sara, Jim Downing attacked them and demanded information. Before the thug died, he coughed up the name Dr. Kingston for Jim. Who Dr. Kingston is remains unknown.

Doctor Marc Simmons Doctor Marc Simmons
(see Marc Simmons)
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