: The unofficial guide to Spawn Comics, Toys, and more!
Yagher Dien

Yagher Dien
A cold and evil man who enjoyed nothing more in life than killing. He murdered his own brother at the age of 11 and from then on he killed whenever the situation suited him.

As he grew older, he came to power and ruled a small village in Southern Ireland. Throughout his rule, he killed over seven thousand men, women and children. Eventually his villagers grew the strength to stand up to Yagher and they had him quartered.

After death, Yagher was promised the rank of hellspawn by Malebolgia, but he was recreated during the period that Covenant walked the Earth with his necroplasm removed.

Because Covenant (the current hellspawn) was still on Earth, Yagher remained unfinished - gestating in a pod.

After hearing Yagher's tale, Covenant disposed of the abomination.

Yahweh Yahweh
Another name for God.
Yang Shih

Yang Shih
In Japan at the end of the Southern Sung Dynasty, there was a ruthless governor of Shansi province named Zheng Li. Zheng Li feared attack by neighboring Mongols and surrounded himself with the greatest warriors he could find.

The greatest of these warriors, Yang Shih, became his personal bodyguard. When the 'monster' called Chenglei came to the province, its torture and humiliation entertained the governor for some time before an arrow shot by Yang Shih finally killed poor Chenglei.

After his death, Chenglei returned as a hellspawn and wrought revenge upon all those who had injured him in life. Yang Shih was the first of many to meet his end at the hand of Chenglei the Mandarin Spawn.
Yoko Onozaka
276, 278, 279,
280, 281, 282

Yoko Onozaka
A young woman who enjoyed Cyan coming to stay with her and her family in Japan. Yoko particularly enjoyed getting to speak in English with Cyan, and had always wished that she had a sister. Unfortunately, Yoko and her family were mind-controlled by the demon Shizumu and murdered in front of Cyan.

After death, Yoko appeared as a ghost to Cyan and helped her to defeat her murderers. Her soul was presumably freed after the destruction of the demons' facility.
1, 4, 6, 15, 23, BF3

A group of superheroes run by the government. Past or current members include Chapel, Shaft and Badrock. At times in the past, they have had run-ins with both Spawn and Overtkill.
Yousef Volokhov
19, 20

Yousef Volokhov
A Ukrainian nuclear scientist who was once a target for assassination by Al Simmons in the Soviet Union. Yousef survived, however, and outlasted the USSR.

After its collapse, he travelled to the USA to be part of the historic East-West Atomic Warfare, Science and Applications Conference at Columbia University. During the conference, Yousef held the audience hostage with a nuclear bomb.

In an attempt to secure a loan for his home of Ukraine, Yousef had resorted to terrorist tactics. When Yousef's detonator would not turn off, Harry Houdini was forced to open an interdimensional rift and send the nuclear explosion to The Overlap.

Shortly after, Yousef and his compatriots were sucked through the rift, after which they suffered horrible radiation exposure. They were forced to remain for eternity in the Overlap as test subjects for its residents.
Yuan Heng

Yuan Heng
In Japan at the end of the Southern Sung Dynasty, there was a ruthless governor of Shansi province named Zheng Li. Zheng Li feared attack by neighboring Mongols and surrounded himself with the greatest warriors he could find.

To pay for such warriors, it was necessary to tax his peasants exorbitantly. When one of his villages could not pay, they sent a curiosity instead to amuse the governor. The curiosity was a severely deformed 22 year-old man named Chenglei. He could not speak, and was covered in large, bulbous growths from head to toe. Chenglei also appeared to be immune to pain - and it was this ability that provided amusement for the governor.

Chenglei was chained in the governor's palace to be tortured and humiliated until such time that the governor might grow weary of him. Only the kindly palace storyteller named Yuan Heng showed any kindness to Chenglei. Yuan Heng brought him ointments for his wounds and told him stories at night.

Just before Chenglei's death, Yuan Heng witnessed the mysterious Mykoto call Chenglei by name. It was because of this that the storyteller knew that the avenging Mandarin Spawn that arrived some time later was none other than Chenglei - reborn as a hellspawn.

Yuan Heng was spared from Chenglei's revenge, and continued to tell stories for many years, as well as to show the curious un-decaying body of the former governor, Zheng Li.
Yujiro Onozaka
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Yujiro Onozaka
The son of Kenji and Matsuko Onozaka. While living in Japan, Cyan came to stay with the Onozakas, and was accepted quickly by Jujiro and his sister Yoko. Unfortunately the entire Onozaka family was murdered by the demon Shizumu.
Yvonne Simmons

Yvonne Simmons
The wife of Marc Simmons, Yvonne was brutally murdered by an unknown killer. Marc continues to search for the killer as an agent with the FBI.
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