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O1 : O2

Ordeal of the Dark Carcass
According to an angelic manual, hellspawn who have used all their power supply will be returned to Hell's 9th sphere where they will face this ordeal. Those that succeed will become officers in Hell's army. Those who fail will become food for Hell's soldiers.
Ordeal, The

Ordeal, The

When Spawn attempted to stop the Forgotten Ones from sacrificing a little girl to Heaven, he submitted their ritual, The Ordeal, to spare her life.

In The Ordeal, he had to hold on to the Teind-child as she morphed into an assortment of beasts and attacked Spawn. She eventually appeared as Al Simmons himself and Spawn was forced to re-witness Al's death.

Spawn passed The Ordeal, thus saving the girl, but angering the Forgotten Ones in the process. They promised he would have to pay greater sacrifices because of his interference.

As it turned out, Spawn's interference was part of an elaborate plan by Mammon to free the Forgotten Ones of their pact of Teind.



A thief whose soul was damned to wander a forest in Japan forever. His ghost was occasionally seen running through the trees holding its own head, eyes cast down in shame.

When Ben Nakadai was lured into opening Mammon's box, Ori's soul was revealed to Spawn - who found the thief and finally laid him to rest.

C6, C7

The gods of Santeria.

An alcoholic homeless man who lived in the same area of Rat City with Bobby, Bootsy and Spawn.

An actor in a small performance of "Maeve the Innocent" when Covenant was in the audience. Osling portrayed Covenant, not as who he was, but as the devil.

A disgruntled patron of the tavern in Rhyll who spouted his complaints for Covenant abandoning his home and for Rivalen's evil rule. He would have been killed by DuBlanc for his impetulence had Covenant not stepped in just in time, killing DuBlanc's men and hideously scarring DuBlanc.

The Others
Misery spoke with Al one night, and said that “they” weren't coming for Cyan, but rather, for him. She said that Al could beat 'them' with the help of “The Others” and then claimed to have restored all of Al's powers while telling him that he needed to lead "them" and become their king. She said that she'd soon join Al's war.
C20, C21

Father Heaven, father of Cronus. Ouranos, with his wife and mother Gaia, ruled and populated the world together. Their children, the Hecatoncheires and the Titans, would be their undoing. Cronus, the youngest Titan overthrew his father and usurped the throne for himself.
The Overlap
19, 20

Overlap, The

A reality that intersects all planes of existence. The Overlap is filled with creatures from countless worlds and has no spiritual or physical laws. It is an elastic reality ripe for experimentation and discovery.

Two of its inhabitants, %^2 and %^9,experimented with the effects of nuclear energy on infernal matter by arranging for Spawn to be at the center of an atomic blast. They sent their fellow Overlap resident, Harry Houdini, to lure Spawn to the site.

Their experiment backfired when Houdini opened a dimensional rift and send the nuclear blast triggered by Yousef Volokhov to the Overlap. Yousef and his compatriots were sucked through the hole shortly after and became test subjects for the residents of the overlap.

Overtkill Overtkill
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Overt-War Overt-War
(see Overtkill)
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