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Spawn 150 (Todd McFarlane Cover)
Image: Trent
  - Book: Spawn
  - Issue: 150
  - Date: October 2005
  - Writer(s):
- David Hine
- Brian Holguin
- Todd McFarlane
  - Artist(s):
- Angel Medina
- Philip Tan
- Danny Miki
- Victor Olazaba
- Allen Martinez
- Edgar Tadeo
- Todd McFarlane
- Tom Orzechowski
- Brian Haberlin
- Andy Troy
- Ben Timmreck
- Jason Gonzalez
(Graphic Design)
(Graphic Design)
  - Notes: - This is one of 5 different covers for this issue.
- 1st appearance of Christopher Welland
- 1st appearance of Thamuz
- 1st appearance of The Disciple
- 1st appearance of the Man of Miracles
- The Mississippi river runs red with blood, the first stage of armageddon.
- Final issue with pencils by Angel Medina
- (untitled) (Thamuz storyline part 1 of 4)

Spawn returns to the alleys, but not for long. In the deadzone, he is confronted by the Disciple: Heaven's first and greatest warrior. Spawn is quickly dismembered by the Disciple and his pieces are thrown away.

The remains of Spawn's corpse are gathered by two parties - demons hired by Mammon, and the mysterious Man of Miracles. Each portion of Spawn then begins a journey.
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