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Vacillator Vacilator
(see the Phlebiac Brothers)

Vaiun Kingdom
Freelance angels Kuan-Yin and Anahita did courier work for the Vaiun Kingdom prior to Angela's battle with The Argus.
Vale of Despair

Vale of Despair
An area on the edge of Hell "given over to profligates and suicides." It is a place where souls are too lost in their own sorrows to ever find their way out. Within the very depths of despair is where Nyx's friend Thea was held.
C12, C13

The pet monkey of a man named Juuko who sometimes worked as a guide through the jungles of Brazil. Valentino was the last survivor of the small jungle town of El Morte after it was slaughtered by feral A6 agents Zacks and Obersmith.
Vampire Boy

Vampire Boy*
Spawn rescued a small child apparently being tortured by a group of vampires. After Spawn left, the child laughed through his razor sharp teeth at his good fortune - Spawn had no idea who was on his side and who wasn't. The boy then revealed the mark of Heaven upon his chest.

Van Zandt
A prominent vampire from Los Angeles that, according to John Sansker, was killed by the AIDS epidemic.

A demon sent to Earth by Hell to keep tabs on Covenant. Vandal posed as the boy named Alek who befriended Covenant after the first destruction of Rhyll. Vandal finally revealed his true form to Covenant when the hellspawn returned to Rhyll after fighting Bishop Gaston Gui.

Vandalizer Vandalizer
(see the Phlebiac Brothers)

A news reporter for Fox 9 News who reported on the mob killings of the Sangiacomo Crime Family during the Udaku Case.

Vaporizor Vaporizer
(see the Phlebiac Brothers)
Vatican Priest
230, 231, 239

Vatican Priest*

One of many Catholic clergymen who strategized on how to bring Jim Downing into the fold with the church. They feared that his allignment with another religion or denomination could hurt their legitimacy and under orders from the Pope himself sought to enlist Downing.

This particular Vatican Priest was not afraid to work independently in secret to handle the Downing threat, particularly after the election of the new pope. He worked with Father Hallwell to bring Downing in-line willingly, but failing that, appeared to be willing to kill him (based on his trophy room of hellspawn and demon artifacts).

After Hallwell did indeed fail, the Priest had Father Gregory recite an invocation that summoned what appeared to be a hellspawn to the Vatican.

Vatican Secret Police
C17, C18

Vatican Secret Police
One of the most covert, ruthless and deadly organizations on Earth. They systematically wiped-out members of Antonio Twistelli's crime organization in their search for a member of the Knights Templar. They knew the Knight was working for Twistelli but had really been sent to recruit Spawn.

A high class prostitute hired for her services by author Ethan Crone. Velvet has a masters degree from Vassar but 'hooks' to pay the bills.

Victor (1)
One of the “keepers of the flame” - people who held a piece of Malebolgia's power while he was hibernating. Victor was tracked down in Minsk, Belarus by Malebolgia (in the guise of Freak) and forced to return the power that was given to him.

Victor (2)
One of Ramus' many assistants. Victor was horrified to watch Jim Downing shot live on TV, but Ramus reassured him that everything would be fine.

Victor Koslov
Years ago, Victor worked for the Kremlin as a diplomat. While in the US, Victor defected and became a valuable asset to the US and other foreign intelligence organizations.

As Victor grew closer to his clients in South America, he became a liability to the US and he was exterminated under orders from Jason Wynn.
186, 190, 191, 192, 193, 197, 232, 236


After the suicide of Al Simmons, an angel investigator arrived on Earth to look into the disturbance. When she arrived, she thought someone may have been trying to shift one of the Dead Zones, but after speaking with a Guardian and investigating the site,  she discovered it wasn't a typical Dead Zone at all but some sort of Anomaly.

She also sensed the presence of someone odd nearby and tracked the presence to Al's throne in the Alleys. There she confronted Jim Downing, the new hellspawn, mistakenly believing him to be an elite male angel. She spoke to him briefly about rebelling against God and then tried to seduce him, but when they touched, she knew immediately that he was a hellspawn. She began screaming somewhat incoherently about having been warned about this particular hellspawn and that he had committed an act against God that was unforgiveable.

The two fought briefly but Victoria was quickly overpowered and impaled by her wings against a wall. Jim intended to question her about his past, but was distracted by a call from Sara and he left the angel there unattended. Unfortunately for her, she was discovered helpless by the Violator. The demon ruthlessly ripped her wings from her body, knowing that if an angel loses her wings on Earth she will also lose her mind.

After walking the streets rambling and naked, Victoria was committed to a mental institution. Eventually she fell under the care of Dr. Kerr - an alias of the Violator. The demon intended to make a deal with the angel - he would return her wings to her if she could tell him who taught Al Simmons to transfer his powers to Downing.

Before a deal could be made, Victoria was tracked down by Bludd and turned into a vampire to spite the Violator.


A thief who, along with his accomplice Carmine, tried to mug a man named Chow. Unfortunately for them, Chow had just summoned the god Kali, and they were slaughtered by her.
Vincent D’Egallo
C17, C18, C19

Vincent D’Egallo
A trusted right hand man of Antonio Twistelli. Vincent was also a member of the ancient Knights Templar organization.

It was he who the Vatican Secret Police were after when they began systematically assassinating everyone in Twistelli's organization.

In the end, however, it was the Curse who captured and killed D'Egallo in order to find a type of spiritual armor he called a soul-sword.

(see the Phlebiac Brothers)

A homeless man who saw that, following Spawn's battle with Overtkill, Spawn was in trouble. Vinnie and his friends gathered a crowd to defend Spawn from the police.

Vinnie (2)
A criminal agent of Heaven working for a child trafficker. They were hunted down and killed by Spawn.
Vinnie Bolbani
46, 47

Vinnie Bolbani
A mafia man working for Antonio Twistelli, Bolbani was kidnapped by Tremor and used to find Twistelli's location.

After visiting Twistelli, Tremor took Bolbani to visit Spawn where he could barter information Bolbani knew about the Fitzgeralds in exchange for Spawn's help against Twistelli.

Bolbani coughed up the name of the man in charge of surveillance on the Fitzgeralds, Billy Scambino.

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Vlad Dracula
According to Sansker, Dracula died over a century ago. Thus, the vampire race, or 'white ones', were left without a leader

Vlad the Impaler
Vlad Tepes (The Impaler) was one of several vampires that invaded European nobility.
213, 298, 300

The Void
The empty expanse of shadow to which Jim Downing was able to open a portal at will. Jim took one of the Old Guard there and left him alone for a time, until he returned to torture the creature for information about Bludd. Presumably, the Old Guard member is still adrift in the Void.
The Void may be synonymous with other mysterious locations such as The Abyss, The Black, Sanctuary, and/or The Shadows but these have not yet been confirmed.
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