: The unofficial guide to Spawn Comics, Toys, and more!
T1 : T2 : T3

A Yakuza rival of Honolulu Jo's who once crashed a truck into one of Jo's offices.

A member of the Children's Army. Talbot, along with another boy named Peter, helped Maeve escort Covenant out of his cave prison.

After Spawn's revelation to the world that he's really Al Simmons and that Heaven and Hell are pulling the world's strings, markets became volatile, and some corporations began to fail. As the changes occurred, Nyx began to investigate those affected. She listed off a number of names that she personally recognized, including Tamerov.
276, 277, 279,


A demon who posed as a human living in Japan. Tamura worked with Okumatsu, Shizumu, and Red-Sleeves to experiment on people with a supernatural drug that they were developing. Tamura would often kidnap people, and used some of them as non-willing suicide bombers.

After Spawn confronted them, Tamura's accomplice Ricky was tricked into thinking Tamura was Cyan, and she decapitated him.


The driver for Chu Lai, head of the Black Salamander Clan.

A place beyond Hades but before Hell, ruled over by Hades. It was a depository for those who offended the will of the gods and who faced damnation.
CF10, CF12

A hooker working with Ambrosia, who helped Sam and Twitch from time to time.
145, 146, 149

In a small town Spawn visited after having his memories of Wanda stolen, they held a festival every seven years called the Teind - in which a child was handed over to the Forgotten Ones for sacrifice.

Spawn stepped in to stop the sacrifice and successfully withstood their Ordeal, angering the Forgotten Ones but saving the life of the young girl being sacrificed to Heaven. When the little girl returned to her town, however, it appeared to be empty. Also, by interfering, Spawn fulfilled Mammon's scheme to free the Forgotten Ones of their pact and let them loose upon Heaven.

Another name for Earth, or Sol 3. One of the mid-worlds, Terra was generally off limits to angels except on missions. Angela was active there a on a few different occasions.
Terran Affairs
9, 16

Terran Affairs
Heaven's branch that oversees interaction with humans on Earth. Formerly run by Raphaela, Terran Affairs was run briefly by Gabrielle, until her distaste for Angela led to her termination.

It was under Gabrielle's leadership that the first Redeemer was created, and the program continued under her successor Rafael.
Terran Headquarters
31, 32

Terran Headquarters
Headquarters for Heaven's Office of Terran Affairs and the Terran Embassy. The building is located in New York city, and was the site of a confrontation between Spawn, The Redeemer, Mary and Rafael.

Terrence Fitzgerald Terrence Fitzgerald
(see Terry Fitzgerald)

Terrorizer Terrorizer
(see Pat Shaunnessy)

Terry Fitzgerald Terry Fitzgerald
Please click this entry's name to view its Detailed Bio

Thamuz Thamuz
Please click this entry's name to view its Detailed Bio
102, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 143

A woman with a gift - or curse depending on how you look at it. She could see people's deaths before they happened. The first was her own mother, which, unfortunately, scarred her for the rest of her life.

She had great difficulty coming to terms with her ability and sought ways to help her understand things. In her youth, she also experimented with witchcraft and became good friends with Nyx.

As an adult, she continued to struggle and resorted to drugs. For apparently quite some time, she was on the run from Spawn, who she would see in the distance from time to time. She had gotten it into her head that he was out to get her. To save herself from having to face Spawn, she bartered her soul with Mammon and lost - he then revealed that Spawn had been trying to save her from him.

After she lost Mammon's deal, her mortal body died freezing in the alley. Her soul was sent to the edge of Hell and locked in the Vale of Despair. Thea was locked there for quite some time, but eventually, her old friend Nyx came to rescue her.

Nyx found her in anguish and Thea begged to be released - not back to Earth but from existence entirely. After failing to talk her out of it, Nyx grudgingly complied, killing Thea for a second time with the Redeemer's sword.
S&T10, S&T12

There and Back
A book that Sam Burke helped write about his experiences solving the Udaku case. Sam and Twitch became mild celebrities for a short while after they cracked the case.

Thirsting Barons
While waiting for a representative of Hell to arrive to a meeting, Cog and Ambassador Epiphani took guesses as to who the representative would be. Their guesses included the Lord of Whispers, the Phlebiac Brothers, and the Thirsting Barons.
Thomas Coram
179, 297

Thomas Coram
Son of a wealthy Englishman, Thomas spent much of his youth in the United States. It was after he returned to England that he fell in love with his father's servant Selma. Though they loved each other, it was a love that remained secret due to their different skin colors.

Thomas returned to England and joined the military, but not before siring a son with Selma. Years passed, and Thomas married another. They had children of their own, but Thomas never stopped thinking about his true love, Selma. He sent her letters often and sent money every month.

Once, while on leave from the front, Thomas went to visit Selma and their love was rekindled. When their son Michael, then 18, enlisted for service, Selma was heartbroken. She made Thomas promise to protect him, as he was then a Captain.

Thomas kept to his word and looked after young Michael until they fought together at the battle of the Somme in 1916. Michael was killed, but it would not last - Mammon appeared to Thomas and offered him a bargain. He could take Michael's place in exchange for his soul. Thomas accepted and suffered the same violent death that his son had experienced moments before, while Michael returned to life.

After death, Thomas trained and commanded Hell's army endlessly as a hellspawn, never forgetting about his love for Selma.
Thomas Greager

Thomas Greager
One of Raven Greager's brothers. Thomas helped pull his brother Charles off his sister Raven after they had gotten carried away in a fight. After the fight, Charles apologized to Raven, but she was humiliated and decided to leave town and earn the respect she craved on her own.
Thomas Miller

Thomas Miller
Thomas was a crewman aboard an ill-fated vessel that was sucked into a whirlpool caused be the birth of Sinn. Shirtly before he died, Thomas spoke with his wife and kids, unaware that it would be the last time

A fellow detective who helped Sam Burke at the scene of the first "Where's Wanda?" killing. Surprised to see Sam without Twitch, Thompson asked where Twitch was, but neither of them knew that Twitch had kidnapped Spawn and tied him up in his apartment.

Thompson (2)
An officer that worked in the top secret prison facility in which Spawn was held and tortured following the kidnapping of Bonz Chillin. Thompson confirmed to his fellow guards that Spawn had indeed gone missing for hours before mysteroiously returning.
Three Sisters

Three Sisters*
Three angels meddling with the cult of Reverend Song Sung Bloo for some reason. Their plans were stymied when Spawn interfered.
C15, C16

A blue skinned woman of unknown origin who is friends with Hoof and often hangs out at the Badlands saloon. She was in love with Abdiel but felt betrayed by him when he was expelled from Heaven. She did not know that he was on an undercover mission in Hell, still working for Heaven at the time.

A gay bar that was the last place Billy Sterner was seen alive before being murdered by Bobby Kellerman.

A creature of Hell brought by the little hell-creature Smut to see Spawn and Angela while the angel and hellspawn rested together for a time in an abandoned hell-castle.
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