
Obersmith |
An elite A6 agent (or "Snake-Eater"), sent with Zacks and Jessica Priest on a mission to Brazil to retrieve a biogenetic weapon called Heat-16. They were betrayed by a guide and led into a trap where Zacks and Obersmith were killed. They were re-animated by a substance called Nugen 2.07 and turned into feral monsters. |

Odessa |
A mysterious Santeria woman living in an abandoned carnival near the East River in New York. She recovered the dismembered body of Gretchen Culver and ritually sewed it back together, giving birth to Suture. |

Officer David Bremer |
A police officer shot by friendly fire as Suture ravaged their police station. |

Officer Deke |
One of 4 crooked cops from the 29th Precinct who raped Gretchen Culver. After Gretchen was left for dead, the cops tried to further cover their tracks by murdering Gretchen's fiancée and a rookie cop named Kenny Osborne. When Suture came to seek revenge, Deke tried to escape and made it as far as the East River, but he was caught and mutilated by Suture. |

Officer Detmer |
A police officer for the Queens division of NYPD who assisted Sam and Twitch when their investigation of the John Doe killer led them to his jurisdiction. |

Officer Ferris |
One of three policemen who entered or left the police station within minutes of several bodies being hung outside the door by The Kingdom. Due to the potential for embarrassment at bodies appearing at the police station with no witnesses, Sam and Twitch were ordered onto the case. |

Officer Havel |
One of three policemen who entered or left the police station within minutes of several bodies being hung outside the door by The Kingdom. Due to the potential for embarrassment at bodies appearing at the police station with no witnesses, Sam and Twitch were ordered onto the case. |

Officer Peter Tisch |
A police officer shot by friendly fire as Suture ravaged their police station. |

Okumatsu |
An angel trapped on Earth after Al Simmons sealed the doorways to Heaven and Hell. During the Demon / Yakuza incidents in Japan, Okumatsu invited Simmons to lunch so they could discuss their problems.
During the meeting it became clear to Spawn that Okumatsu was working with the demons to manufacture the drug that had been causing problems, and shortly after, Spawn sacrificed a small piece of his costume to kill Okumatsu. |

Ol' Job |
Alias: Jeremy Winston, Gunslinger Spawn, Javier Sanchez
After silver was struck near the town of Bane, so-called businessmen like Ed Kemper moved in and started throwing their muscle around. Kemper headed a gang of thieves that bought up most of the land in the area through intimidation and murder.
When they murdered the family of Jeremy Winston, however, it was a fatal mistake. Winston (or Ol' Job as he was known) was not a violent man - in fact he used to be a preacher before he met his wife. But after her death, Ol' Job had a desperate need for vengeance and he went after Kemper himself.
He killed two of Kemper's men before being subdued by the Marshal, after which he was thrown in jail to await trial. While incarcerated, Ol' Job was visited by the fallen angel Mammon who offered him a deal.
In exchange for his eternal soul and allegiance to Malebolgia, Ol' Job could have the freedom and power to exact revenge upon the town of Bane for the death of his family. Ol' Job accepted the deal, and the next day he was killed by Kemper's men.
After his death, Ol' Job returned to Bane as a hellspawn where he unleashed his vengeance by killing every man, woman and child in town except for one - a fellow prisoner that Mammon had forbade him from harming named Henry Simmons.
In the 21st century, Al Simmons inadvertantly pulled multiple hellspawn into the present, one of whome was the Gunslinger Spawn. It is not yet known if this is Ol' Job, or a different gunslinger. Upon arrival, however, this gunslinger posessed a host body by the name of Javier Sanchez. |

Old Guard |
Please click this character's name to view their Detailed Bio |

Old Man Harlan |
In Christopher's town of Sanctity, there was a toy store owned by Old Man Harlan. He was murdered by Billy Kincaid, however, who then used the toy store to lure Christopher to him. |

Old Man Jackson |
According to young Tommy, Al Simmons moved into the apartment where Old Man Jackson used to live before he killed himself. Tommy warned Al that the place might be haunted. |

Olympus |
A city of gold, silver and platinum rising high above the clouds. Olympus was the home of the gods, the children of Cronus. |

Omega Spawn |
Alias: Omega the Conqueror
After it's birth, the first Omega waged war in Hell against everything in its path, gaining power nearly equal to Malebolgia's. Omega spawn, also called Omega the Conqueror, laid waste to Hell's armies and then set his sights on Earth. There are others in the Omega class, but they are replicas of the conqueror and are but second rate copies. They have power to be sure, but nowhere near that of the true Omega.
At some point, Omega gave up on his conquest of Earth, and instead set his sights on other worlds that he found more valuable.
After Al Simmons detonated his symbiote and caused a rift in time-space, Omega was teleported against his will back to Earth. Furious at being stuck here, Omega once again set his sight on world domination.
From his base of opertations on a secluded island, Omega began consolidating power by allying himself with Monolith and others. He captured Cogliostro, adn set out to break him by using Spawn as a tool. His plan failed, however, as the combined forced of Spawn, Medieval Spawn, and Monolith nearly defeated him. in his weakened state, Omega was drug into a pit by the newly emerged Plague Spawn. |

Openers |
A class of demon that has special abilities to open doors of all sorts - gates, portals, figurative and literal. There is almost nothing in the universe that can block their entry. Abbadon and Zabraxas are two such demons. As they point out, behind every door lies the same thing - consequences. |

Operation Bloo |
A secret cult operation being run by the 3 Sisters, angels meddling in the affairs of man. |

Operation Judas |
When the photograph of Jim Downing and his wife was sent out by Marc Rosen for investigation, news of it's reappearance arrived at the desk of CIA Director Kurtz. As a result, she brought in special agent Kruger to quietly erase all memory and trace of the photograph.
By doing so she hoped to stop any further investigation into what they called the Downing Operation. Kruger immediately set out to murder all the people to whom Rosen had sent the photograph. When this task was completed, he set up a meeting with Marc Rosen and informed the director he was initiating Operation Judas.
The details or final goals of the operation are not known. |

Orbital Station One |
Alias: Orbital Angel Station
A man-made space station that Heaven saw fit to annex during Gabrielle's tenure as Director of Terran Affairs. They hollowed out the humans living in the space station and installed their own essences within them.
The station was then the site of the creation of the Anti-Spawn, the first Redeemer. After the Redeemer's first failed attempt at defeating Spawn, he was recalled to the Orbital Angel Station to be endowed with even more elemental fire and then sent into battle once again.
After the Redeemer failed once again and Gabrielle was removed from her position, the station was redubbed Orbital Station One, and placed under the authority of Rafael. She told them that she would be running things more efficiently than Gabrielle, and immediately inquired as to the location of the current hellspawn.
Orbital Station One revealed that there were currently 3 tracked entities within New York, and that one of them (the weakest signal), may have been a power transference from Spawn. Rafael ordered the creation of a new Redeemer, from a "good soul" this time, whose first mission was to capture the weak hellspawn signal (Spawn's friend Bobby).
The station created the second Redeemer from a man named Phil Timper, and he was successful in capturing Bobby. Not long after, however, the station was forced to release Bobby once again when Spawn stormed the Terran Headquarters and took Mary hostage. |