: The unofficial guide to Spawn Comics, Toys, and more!
Spawn: The Dark Ages 4
Image: Trent
  - Book: Spawn: The Dark Ages
  - Issue: 4
  - Date: June 1999
  - Writer(s): - Brian Holguin
  - Artist(s):
- Liam McCormack-Sharp
- Richard Starkings
- Oscar Gongora
- Brian Haberlin
- Dan Kemp
- Josh Myers
  - Notes: (N/A)

- Death and Glory (Rivalen arc part 4 of 4)

Covenant leads an army of peasants to attack the keep of Rivalen. In battle, Covenant is faced by the man he scarred, Guy DuBlanc, who now posesses supernatural strength and ferocity thanks to the Sisters of the Morrigan. When the battle is over Covenant is victorious, but he does not savor his win. He discovers his sister Eloise succumbed to illness days before and he begins to see the futility of war.

Once again, against the wishes of Cog, Covenant sets his own path. He decides to leave Rhyll behind and jouneys off. After he is gone, the relic that the Sisters were searching for is finally discovered by an unexpected party.

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