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Spawn: The Dark Ages 6
Image: Trent
  - Book: Spawn: The Dark Ages
  - Issue: 6
  - Date: August 1999
  - Writer(s): - Brian Holguin
  - Artist(s):
- Liam McCormack-Sharp
- Richard Starkings
- Oscar Gongora
- Andy Troy
- Dan Kemp
- Brian Haberlin
  - Notes: (N/A)
- Benediction (Immaculata arc part 1 of 3)

Covenant saves a young couple from being harmed by a small gang of criminals while jouneying through France. The young woman is about to have a child so Covenant agrees to take them to a nearby abbey. Little does he know that Guy DuBlanc is trailing him just two days behind.

Meanwhile, at the Abbey of Sainte Barbe, a young nun named Immaculata is troubled by something in her past, but she does not feel comfortable discussing it with her priest or fellow nuns.
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