Manga Spawn v1 |
- Red armor
- Plastic chains around waist
Manga Spawn v2 |
- Red armor
- Metal chains
around waist
- 1st blister mold
- NO Kanji writing on sword
Manga Spawn v3 |
- Red armor
- Metal chains
around waist
- 1st blister mold
- With Kanji writing on sword
Manga Spawn v4 |
- Red armor
- Metal chains
around waist
- 2nd blister mold
- With booklet insert
Manga Spawn v5 |
- Red armor
- Metal chains
around waist
- 2nd blister mold
- NO booklet insert
Manga Spawn v6 |
- Japan edition
- Red armor
- Metal chains around waist
- 2nd blister mold
- With large black Japanese sticker on side of blister
Manga Spawn v7 |
- Tri-lingual edition
- Red armor
- Metal chains
around waist
- 2nd blister mold
Manga Spawn v8 |
- Repaint: Gray armor
- White
'M' on chest
- NO ° kuten mark at end of Kanji on sword
Manga Spawn v9 |
- Repaint: Gray armor
- Gray
'M' on chest
- NO ° kuten mark at end of Kanji on sword
Manga Spawn v10 |
- Repaint: Gray armor
- Gray 'M'
on chest
- With ° kuten mark at end of Kanji on sword
Manga Spawn v11 |