: The unofficial guide to Spawn Comics, Toys, and more!
Spawn 126
Image: Trent
  - Book: Spawn
  - Issue: 126
  - Date: July 2003
  - Writer(s):
- Brian Holguin
- Todd McFarlane
(Plot, Story)
  - Artist(s):
- Angel Medina
- Danny Miki
- Victor Olazaba
- Allen Martinez
- Crime Lab Studios
- Greg Capullo
- Tom Orzechowski
- Brian Haberlin
- Ben Timmreck
- Michael Seghers
(Graphic Design)
(Art Direction)
  - Notes: Death of Major Forsberg
- Wake Up Dreaming Part Two (of 5)

Spawn finds Major Forsberg where he had left him - in a cage within the alleys. He tries to set the Major free but finds that his mind is almost entirely gone and he is afraid to leave the 'safety' of his little cage.

Spawn enters his mind and fights to save the true Major Forsberg from his demons, but finds he can't win every battle.
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