: The unofficial guide to Spawn Comics, Toys, and more!
Spawn: The Undead 2
Image: Trent
  - Book: Spawn: The Undead
  - Issue: 2
  - Date: July 1999
  - Writer(s): - Paul Jenkins
  - Artist(s):
- Dwayne Turner
- Chance Wolf
- Richard Starkings
- Oscar Gongora
- Todd Broeker
- Jay Fotos
- Drew Hutchinson
  - Notes: (N/A)
 - The Door to Nowhere

Travis Ward became interested in the occult in college. His studies lead him to make a deal with a demon called Hakeldama: His soul for all the demon's knowledge.

Travis tried to escape his fate by asking the demon how to break the deal, but unfortunately the demon did not know. The only one who could answer his question is also the one that will deliver his fate - the hellspawn.
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