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6, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 33, 46, 47, 48, 65, 75, 86, 105, 106, 121, 150, 152, 209, 220, 221, 224, 227, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 295, 296, 297, 299, 300, 301, 311, 312 ,313, 314, 315, 318, 320, C17, C18, C23, C24
Overt-Kill, Overt-War, Nicholas Rocca
Overtkill | Spawn 22Nicholas Rocca was formerly a hitman for the Sicilian mafia boss Luciano Bartino. In an ambush, Rocca was mortally wounded and would have died were it not for the research of his half-brother, Dr. Eylan Hessman. Hessman negotiated with Bartino to provide an ultra-killing machine to the mafia if Bartino would fund Hessman’s research. After some convincing by fellow mob boss Twistelli, Bartino agreed, and Hessman applied his newfound resources into converting what remained of his brother Nicholas into the cyborg known as Overt-Kill (C23). Some of the research involved in creating Overtkill may have been related to Project Ragnarok (220), but this has never been conclusively shown. Nonetheless, many years later, Jim Downing would include Overtkill in his research into the program, and even had flashbacks that included visions of Overkill (224).

After his rebirth as a cyborg, Rocca/Overtkill spent time with his brother at a cabin near Milan. There he studied art, history, Shakespeare, etc, in between assignments from Bartino (C23). One such assignment sent him to New York, where he had been loaned to Antonio Twistelli, and had been tasked with hunting down the mysterious Spawn figure who he incorrectly believed had been killing Mafioso. Overtkill confronted Spawn in his alleyways, and was quickly defeated (6).

Overtkill | Spawn 23Nervous about having damaged Bartino’s property, Twistelli had Overtkill secretly rebuilt, and they attempted to wipe his memory (with only partial success) (22). After his repairs were complete, Overtkill was once again sent to kill a mistaken identity. This time, he was sent to kill Terry Fitzgerald, as Twistelli mistakenly assumed Spawn and Fitzgerald were secretly the same person. Mid battle, however, Overtkill’s brain was punctured by a precise bullet shot from Twitch, and he wandered off – malfunctioning and muttering to himself (23).

Much time passed, and Twistelli repeatedly had to stall for time with Bartino since he was never able to return Overtkill to him (46). Eventually, a hit was put out on Twistelli himself for his failures (C17). Overtkill was eventually rebuilt by Jason Wynn and his government resources. He was once again sent to kill Spawn, and once again he was defeated soundly (105).

Overtkill | Spawn 286Years later, what remained of Overtkill was being held in a special detainment facility for ultra-high security prisoners (287). When Al Simmons was transferred to the facility as a prisoner, he secretly resurrected and rebuilt Overtkill, enlisting him as one of his minions (289). Overtkill, along with Spawn’s other resurrected allies, began completing missions for their master. He attacked an angel named Gideon (289), destroyed a data center in Papua New Guinea (290), helped to defeat the Violator (295), and defeated battalions of both angels (300) and demons (301).

While fighting against the angels, he came under the care of Jim Downing, who tried to “heal” him and the others using transfusions of his own blood. Ever since their resurrections, Spawn’s undead minions have suffered from severe mental deficiencies. Downing sought to restore more of their original minds (311). Spawn was enraged by their absence and Downing’s blood transfusions (which he believed would allow the forces of Heaven and Hell to track them) so he put an end to Downing’s treatments and retook control of his minions (312). Overtkill resumed his missions with Spawn, and upon confronting a new opponent named Monolith, Overtkill was almost immediately destroyed once again (313).

Note: There are portions of Overtkill’s history shown in Curse of the Spawn 23-24 that don’t fit with core continuity, including his transformation into Overt-War.
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