: The unofficial guide to Spawn Comics, Toys, and more!
Spawn 158
Image: Trent
* Shown but not named
  - Book: Spawn
  - Issue: 158
  - Date: June 2006
  - Writer(s):
- David Hine  
  - Artist(s):
- Philip Tan
- Danny Miki
- Allen Martinez
- Ryan Winn
- Crime Lab Studios
- Tom Orzechowski
- Brian Haberlin
- Andy Troy
- Ian Hannin
- Greg Capullo
  - Notes: - God, Satan, and Mother are revealed.
- Wanda attempts suicide
- The rapture begins
- Includes "Twitch Journal #6": In his journal, Twitch discusses Spawn, recent events and armageddon.
- (untitled) (Armageddon storyline part 5 of 11)

The time of revelations is at hand. Armageddon will continue unstopped, and it is the fault of little Jake and Kate Fitzgerald.

The twins' true identities are revealed as Spawn and Zera prepare to do battle. They are stopped, however, when the Man of Miracles intervenes and reveals his true identity as well.
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